The use of hearing aids for managing tinnitus has garnered substantial interest in both clinical and research settings.

Hearing aids primarily serve to amplify external sounds, thereby improving audibility for individuals with hearing loss. In the context of tinnitus, the amplification of ambient sounds can effectively “mask” or cover the internal noise generated by tinnitus, making it less noticeable.

hearing aids for tinnitus

Types of Hearing Aids for Tinnitus

Standard Hearing Aids

Traditional hearing aids without special tinnitus features can still be beneficial for many people with tinnitus, especially those who also have hearing loss. By amplifying external sounds, these devices can make tinnitus less noticeable relative to the environmental auditory background.

Hearing Aids with Tinnitus Maskers

Some modern hearing aids come with built-in tinnitus maskers. These produce a continuous, low-level white noise or other sound patterns that can mask the sound of tinnitus. These features can often be customized to suit individual needs.

Combination Devices

These are specialized hearing aids that not only amplify sound but also provide additional therapies such as sound generators or even neuromodulation features aimed at relieving tinnitus symptoms.

Considerations for Selection Of Hearing Aids For Tinnitus

Audiometric Testing: A comprehensive audiometric evaluation is crucial to determine the severity of hearing loss and the characteristics of the tinnitus. This helps in customizing the hearing aid settings for the individual.

Customization: Modern hearing aids allow for a high degree of customization, such as frequency shaping, which can be fine-tuned to match the specific hearing loss profile and tinnitus characteristics of the patient.

Trial Period: Many hearing aid vendors offer a trial period during which the effectiveness of the device in managing tinnitus symptoms can be assessed. This is a valuable opportunity to determine whether a particular type of hearing aid is beneficial for you.

Cost: Hearing aids can be expensive, and not all types are covered by insurance. The cost could be a significant consideration for some individuals.

Professional Guidance: Consulting an audiologist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist is crucial for proper diagnosis and to determine the most suitable type of hearing aid.

Potential Benefits and Limitations


Reduced Perception: By amplifying external sounds, hearing aids often make tinnitus less noticeable.

Improved Communication: Tinnitus often accompanies hearing loss, which can impair communication. Hearing aids improve overall hearing capability, thereby aiding in more effective communication.

Psychological Relief: By reducing the impact of tinnitus on daily life, hearing aids can contribute to improved mental well-being.


Not a Cure: Hearing aids are not a cure for tinnitus but a management tool.

Individual Variation: Effectiveness can vary from person to person based on the characteristics of their tinnitus and any accompanying hearing loss.

Maintenance: Hearing aids require regular maintenance and battery replacements, which could be cumbersome for some users.

In summary, hearing aids for tinnitus can be an effective tool for managing tinnitus, particularly for those who also experience hearing loss. Their utility stems from their ability to amplify external sounds, thereby reducing the perceptual prominence of tinnitus. However, it’s crucial to consult healthcare providers for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan.